PlayblastVR Renderer for Maya Released
April 16, 2015

PlayblastVR Renderer for Maya Released

HALIFAX, NS, CANADA – PlayblastVR, a new renderer for Maya, creates hardware-rendered panoramic images using OpenGL or DirectX.
The PlayblastVR renderer allows users to create immersive previs renderings of Maya scenes in fulldome, latlong, and cubic panorama formats.

The PlayblastVR renderer can render previews of elements such as animated polygon and NURBS geometry, lights, fluid effects volumes, FumeFX volumes, paint effects strokes, sprites, particles, nParticles, nHair and fur, cloth sims, procedural generated shading networks, and more.
PlayblastVR supports rendering output to Google PhotoSphere spherical panoramas and YouTube 360 Movies with automatic metadata embedding.

After a PlayblastVR panoramic rendering is complete, it can be sent automatically to a panoramic viewing program or a video playback tool like DJV Viewer, Adobe SpeedGrade, Kolor Eyes, Assimilate Scratch and Scratch Player, Domemaster3D DomeViewer, Whirligig, VLC, VLCwarp Player, RV, FCheck, or IMF Display.

The PlayblastVR for Maya renderer is available today starting at $99.95.